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The XII Symposium of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

May 2011, Vol 4, No 3

Serum Albumin Affects Methotrexate Level Variability and Methotrexate Toxicity
This retrospective study of patients receiving high-dose methotrexate found that serum albumin level predicts methotrexate toxicity and explains the variability in pharmacokinetic parameters in different courses of methotrexate. Nonparametric Spearman rank correlation analysis showed an association between de creased albumin level and increased methotrexate level that may indicate toxicity. Based on their findings, pharmacists in Egypt now order albumin testing routinely in these patients, as well as monitor the methotrexate levels and give recommendations based on the levels putting the albumin level into consideration. Kamal S. Abstract 17.

Pharmacist-Derived Medication History Provides More Information than Geriatric Cancer Patient–Completed Medication List
By taking a comprehensive medication history at geriatric (70-82 years) cancer patients’ first outpatient ap p ointments, Australian pharmacists created more accurate medication histories and demonstrated that in some (2/27) patients these histories were clinically important. The structured, comprehensive medication history consisted of asking patients to bring all their medications to their first appointment, followed by pharmacist review of prescribed and nonprescribed medications for interactions with chemo therapy and sup portive medications. Concerns were communicated to the oncologist. They found a patient-reported omission rate of 29.7%, primarily composed of analgesics, laxatives, complimentary and alternative medications, and ophthalmologic medications. Lees J, Tohn V. Abstract 32.

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